Mental Health Month is an annual event to raise awareness of mental health, reduce the stigma and discrimination against people living with mental illness, and promote positive wellbeing in the community.

We know that even the most resilient person can be affected by life events, tragedy, or stress, and that one in five Australians are living with a mental health condition, most notably anxiety or depression.

Forty five percent of Australians will experience a mental health condition in their lifetime, so either directly or indirectly most individuals will be impacted by mental illness at one time or another.

This October we encourage workplaces and communities to take action to promote mental health and wellbeing, and to help get you started we’ve listed some ways that you can get involved:

Create a time and space for people to connect by organising a mental health morning tea for World Mental Health Day on October 10.

Start a wellbeing activity in your workplace such as walking outside each day or opening staff meetings with a short mindfulness exercise. Let these activities become wellbeing habits.

Encourage others to connect with mental health events or programs in the wider community.

Host an event of your own! Invite people to share their journey over a meal, music, games, a movie, or other entertainment.

Reach out to a colleague who doesn’t seem themselves. Lend them your support and work with them however they need.

Promote links to services and support.

Let’s all work to make Mental Health Month and good mental health and wellbeing, a journey that everyone can share.

Need to talk to someone?

Help is available at any time by calling Lifeline on 13 11 14, Beyondblue on 1300 224 636, or MensLine Australia 1300 789 978, or talk to your GP, local health professional or someone you trust.

Remember, even the smallest step will be worth it x
