We are highlighting in 3 new blogs each charity we support through i=Change.
"Haven has proudly joined i=Change to support three amazing projects.
We're thrilled our customers have the chance to select a charity of their choice to give back to the community."
For every purchase made you can select a charity and Haven Label will donate $1.00.
Haven Label wants to support Australian charities and families.
Foodbank already provides food relief to over 1 million Australians per month, yet now over 2 million Australian adults are experiencing food insecurity. COVID-19 and severe floods have created huge demand for food relief that is outstripping supply.
Foodbank turns every $1 donated into two meals, allowing them to support communities across the country that are severely affected by the ongoing impacts of COVID-19 and natural disasters.
Foodbank is delivering what is needed efficiently and effectively, assisting communities across the country during these extraordinary times.
Across Australia:
Foodbank is now the largest hunger relief organisation in Australia – servicing over 2,400 charities in every state and territory to enable them to provide food to 815,000 people a month.
Foodbank is also a proud member of the Global Foodbanking Network, an international organisation dedicated to developing foodbanking around the world.
ONE IN SIX ADULTS in Australia haven’t had enough food in the last year.
1.2 MILLION CHILDREN have gone hungry in the last year.
ONE IN THREE PEOPLE struggling to meet their food needs are new to the situation.
Together we can all make a difference, every dollar counts x